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Setup commands

This file contains information on the commands for setup, that will prepare your environment and start it.

Initialize with ibctl init

The init command is used to initialize your project. Concretely this means:

  • A workspace for your project is created. By default this will be a hidden folder in your home directory: ~/.ibc-sdk. You can also set a custom workspace by adding the path with the -w flag.
  • A configuration file config.yaml is added to the workspace where you can configure parameters about the chains you wish to run. A separate section is dedicated to the configuration file here.
  • A folder that includes runtime data called /run is added to the workspace and will be updated with useful logs during runtime.
  • A folder called /vibc-smart-contracts is created that contains the compiled contracts to deploy to the virtual chain upon start. More information about the vIBC smart contracts and why they are needed, can be found here

By default the chain set in the configuration file will set up an ETH2 chain and a Wasmd chain (a minimal Cosmos SDK chain with the x/wasm module added), with Polymer in the middle.

After initialization and possibly tweaking the configuration file, you can move on to start the environment.


From here on out, if you decided to use a custom workspace, you'll need to add the path with the -w flag to every command from here on out, which will be omitted for simplicity's sake. Often times the same is true for the log-level with flag -l.

Start with ibctl start

Before you start the environment, let's investigate in more detail the start command:

$ ibctl start -h

# terminal output
Usage: ibctl start [options]

Start the local stack as defined in <workspace>/config.yaml

-c, --connection <path...> Relayer paths in the form of "src-chain-id:dst-chain-id" (default: Combination of chains of different type)
--use-zk-mint Use ZK minting (default: false)
-h, --help Display help command

Specify the connection path(s)

In normal use, on top of just starting the containers you'll likely also want to set up some IBC connections (and instantiate underlying clients) already. Then the only thing that is custom is the channel between the smart contracts you want to deploy.

Consider the default setup Ethereum <-> Polymer <-> Wasmd. If you want to read up more about the Polymer architecture, please refer to the Polymer protocol section of the docs.


When using the IBC SDK, it suffices to add the IBC connections you want to have by specifying the chain names in the <chain-name-1>:<chain-name2> format. Under the hood, the IBC SDK is smart enough to figure out what type of relayers to use for each connection.

Using the default configuration, the following command starts the entire setup:

ibctl start -c wasm:polymer -c eth:polymer

As of today, it is not possible to add the required connections with a separate command. Hence it is required to add them with the start command. If you forgot, simply stop the SDK with ibctl stop and start over.

Future additions might have a workaround.

Enable zkMint

🚧 Currently work in progress... 🚧